BSc Theses
Research group of Prof. Brabec
Advanced Simulation and Modelling of PV Materials & Devices (Dr. Karen Forberich, Dr. Larry Lüer, FAU/HI ERN)
Interpretable Machine Learning and Digital Twins in High Throughput Based Experimentation |
Interpretable Machine Learning and Digital Twins in High Throughput Based Experimentation Dr. Larry Lüer |
Simulation and Machine Learning Methods for Next Generation Solar Cells |
Simulation and Machine Learning Methods for Next Generation Solar Cells Dr. Karen Forberich |
Emerging PV Devices
Stable Organic Solar Cells for Outer Space: AI-guided high-throughput experimentation |
Stable Organic Solar Cells for Outer Space: AI-guided high-throughput experimentation |
High Throughput Characterization and Modelling for PV (Dr. Ian Marius Peters, HI ERN & FAU)
Analysing the evolution of cell cracks in PV-modules by long-term EL-inspections |
Analysing the evolution of cell cracks in PV-modules by long-term EL-inspections Dr.-Ing. Claudia Buerhop |
Analysis of crack structures in PV-modules using X-ray |
Analysis of crack structures in PV-modules using X-ray Dr.-Ing. Claudia Buerhop |
Developing a method for analyzing highly resolved weather and wind data |
Developing a method for analyzing highly resolved weather and wind data Dr.-Ing. Claudia Buerhop |
Developing an algorithm for georeferencing PV-modules for aerial electroluminescence and thermography imaging |
Developing an algorithm for georeferencing PV-modules for aerial electroluminescence and thermography imaging Dr.-Ing. Claudia Buerhop |
Identificaion of power and yield loss by analyzing evaluation strategies |
Identificaion of power and yield loss by analyzing evaluation strategies Dr.-Ing. Claudia Buerhop |
Investigation of water exposure effects on the stability and degradation mode of polymeric backsheets and encapsulants of silicon solar modules |
Investigation of water exposure effects on the stability and degradation mode of polymeric backsheets and encapsulants of silicon solar modules Dr. Oleksandr Stroyuk |
Time series of drying of different types of solar module backsheets |
Time series of drying of different types of solar module backsheets Dr.-Ing. Oleksandr Mashkov |
Sustainable Photovoltaics (Dr. Ian Marius Peters, HI ERN & FAU)
Industrially Scalable Recycling of Perovskite Solar Cells |
Industrially Scalable Recycling of Perovskite Solar Cells Dr. Mykhailo Sytnyk |
High Throughput Methods for PV Materials & Devices (Dr. Jens Hauch, HI ERN & FAU)
Air-processed organic Devices for OPV SpinBot |
Air-processed organic Devices for OPV SpinBot Vanessa Arango, MSc |
Development of OPV Cells with High Throughput Methods |
Development of OPV Cells with High Throughput Methods Tobias Osterrieder, MSc |
Engineering of Materials Acceleration Platforms |
Engineering of Materials Acceleration Platforms Tobias Osterrieder, MSc |
High-Throughput Organic Synthesis for PV |
High-Throughput Organic Synthesis for PV Ecem Alkan, M.Sc. |
Lifetime and Reliability of PV Devices (Dr. Thomas Heumüller, FAU & HI ERN)
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Phosphors & Light (P&L) (PD Dr. Miroslaw Batentschuk, Dr. Andres Osvet, FAU)
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Solar Factory of the Future (PD Dr. Hans-Joachim Egelhaaf HI ERN & FAU)
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Research group of Prof. Heiß (SOPSEM)
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Research group of Prof. Wellmann (CGL (Crystal Growth Lab))
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