Simon’s user proposal for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Molecular Foundry got accepted
For his master’s thesis, Simon will be joining the group of Dr. Carolin Sutter-Fella at the Molecular Foundry, located at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California. The goal of this project is to utilize high throughput screening and in situ characterization techniques to further study the effects of A-site cations on the crystallization pathway of α-FAPbI3 based perovskite thin films in air. The Foundry acquired the robotic spin coating platform SpinBot One by SCIPRIOS which enables automated, reproducible, and high throughput synthesis of perovskite thin films. It consists of a robotic pipette channel, multiple spin coaters, hot plates, heatable solution shakers, quenching possibilities, and a characterization unit to efficiently vary
both chemical compositions and thin film synthesis parameters. Carolin’s group provides great experience with optical absorption-based in situ characterization techniques. So, candidates of interests that stood out during the SpinBot One investigation, will be further studied with multimodal in situ probes to gain a better understanding of the structure-property relationships of α-FAPbI3 based perovskite thin
This project starts in July and is supported by the Bavaria California
Technology Center BaCaTeC