NGSE5: Day 1
The NGSE5 has kicked off today with a short greeting by Prof. Brabec. The first day featured two great Tutorials. With an average of ca. 210 participants this was the best attended NGSE so far.

The first Tutorial was held by Prof. Uwe Rau (Forschungszentrum Jülich) on fundamentals of Solar cells. Prof. Rau lectured on the details of the Shockley-Queisser limit and the physical details of contacts to solar cells.

Prof. Carsten Deibel from the Technical University of Chemnitz focussed his tutorial on transport phenomena in emerging PV, with a particular focus on transport measurement techniques and recent results from transport measurements in Perovskites in the first part of the lecture. The second part of his lecture focussed on recombination in Perovskites.