Sino-German Project “NovPolSol” kick off meeting @ i-MEET
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) recently granted the joint project NovPolSol between i-MEET @ FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and SKLLMD (State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices) @ SCUT, Guangzhou. To start the project, several colleagues from SKLLMD labs, Prof. H.-L. Yip (coordinator), Prof. L. Ying, Dr. K. Zhang, Dr. C. Duan and Dr. Cai came to Erlangen for a joint workshop on the development of novel organic semiconductors. Thank´s to Ning, who organized and held the workshop in a very open-minded and stimulating atmosphere, our teams could exchange their thoughts and visions
for the next three years in a most pleasant way.
NovPolSol is the first project where we will start exploring “High Throughput Methods” for developing the next generation of organic
semiconductors with enhanced performance and stability. While our team at i-MEET will concentrate to implement high throughput routines on our just recently developed robot based device platform (, the team at SKLLMD will
concentrate to design, develop and synthesize novel materials. Ultimately we want to demonstrate within the next three years organic solar cells with > 12 % efficiency and > 10 yrs of lifetime, being fully compatible to the roll-to-roll production environment at the Solar Factory of the Future (SFF) @ ZAE Bayern
External Links:
DFG Project
Technikum für gedruckte Solarzellen (German)